Things All Property Owners Should Know About Water Damage
Unfortunately, water damage can strike when you least expect it. And while it’s not something that’s on the forefront of any property owner’s mind, it should be — or, at least, how to prepare yourself for the unexpected. Before you can prepare for water damage, you must first know how water damage can appear in the first place.
Common Ways Water Damage Can Occur
As mentioned earlier, water damage occurs when you least expect it. And while it may seem like it just drifts into your property out of thin air, there are some telltale signs — or at least “prime suspects” (specific areas) — that you can look at to see if your property may fall victim to water damage at one point or another.
For starters, here are a few of the most common ways it could strike when you least expect it:
Plumbing Pipe Damage
One of the most common ways that properties experience water damage is through plumbing pipe damage. While it appears that plumbing pipes — whether they’re made of steel or PVC — seem as if they can take on just about anything, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Unfortunately, most plumbing pipes burst due to:
Old age.
Continued use of caustic drain cleaners.
Misuse of plumbing over time.
DIY plumbing fixes gone wrong.
Ailing Roof
Another way that properties sustain water damage is through the roof. Sadly, if a roof has seen better days — and hasn’t been taken care of over the years — it will allow the elements to seep into your property and make their presence known through water damage.
Some signs that indicate your roof is the root cause of water damage include:
There are visible water spots on your ceiling (especially if your property is one story).
Damage shingles are on your roof.
There are random traces of water in your attic/crawl space.
When severe weather rolls around, that’s when you notice an uptick in water marks.
Now since we’ve covered the basics of how water damage can occur on most properties, here are some ways you can help lessen the chance of it from happening at your property.
Ways to Lessen the Chance of Water Damage from Occurring
While water damage usually happens out of nowhere, there are ways you can help lessen the chances of it from occurring on your property. Here’s what to consider:
Never Skip on Plumbing Repairs
If you know that there might be a leak on your property, don’t wait until it’s too late to have it repaired. Doing so can not only bring along damage when you least expect it, but a leak (no matter the severity) can waste an alarming amount of water for each day that it’s present.
Have Your Roof Repaired by a Professional
While on the subject of repair, you must have your property’s roof repaired the minute you notice something awry. Many property owners might put off repair more often than not since a roofing repair can be costly. However, with the toll water damage can take on your property, the roofing repair’s cost could be much less than what you’d lose to water damage.
Install Water Detection Devices
If you’re looking to take preventive measures a step further, you can always consider having water detection devices installed on your property. These electronic sensors will help provide alerts if they notice any unusual activity from pipes on your property. It’s truly a very worthwhile investment that can provide peace of mind to any property owner.
Philadelphia Water Restoration Services You Can Trust
Sustaining water damage of any magnitude can be devastating. And when you’re left picking up the pieces, it can make matters even worse. Solution? Contact the professional Philadelphia water restoration team at TLC Drain & Sewer to help save the day.
With work that is 100% guaranteed for the years to come, you’ll never have to worry. For more information, contact us at (215) 639-7473 or reach out to us online.